Victim Services


The mission of the Bridge of Hope Child Advocacy Center is to ensure children suspected of child abuse are not revictimized by the system designed to protect them. The Bridge of Hope Child Advocacy Center coordinates a multidisciplinary team response to child abuse and neglect in a safe and child-focused setting.  

If you suspect a child has been abused

If you suspect child abuse, immediately report your concerns to the Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-652-1999, or contact local law enforcement by calling 911.

Please understand that you are required by state law to report any suspected child abuse to the proper authorities. Promises by the offender that it won’t happen again will not keep a child safe.

Forensic interviews and medical evaluations at the Bridge of Hope Child Advocacy Center are conducted only upon referral from the County Attorney, law enforcement or Health and Human Services. If the investigating agency determines your child should be taken to Center, they will set up an appointment with our staff for you.

My child has an interview scheduled at the Bridge of Hope Child Advocacy Center. Now what?

The staff at Bridge of Hope Child Advocacy Center are here to assist and support victims of child abuse. A family advocate will be available to answer questions and provide support for you and your child. 

Once a child has been to our Center, our advocates will continue to be a resource to the non-offending caregiver/parent and family — available to listen, offer suggestions, and provide information and referrals about community resources and counseling. 

To speak to an advocate (24 hrs a day), contact the Bridge of Hope Child Advocacy Center at 308-534-4064.

To access the Caregiver Guide, click the image below.